Hello there, just in case you are wondering what had happened to Seasaltwithfood or yours truly? Well, I am pleased to report that I am very well and still on my long summer holidays. Anyway, I would like to apologize to all my readers for not updating my blog as frequent as I should have over the last few weeks, and also, for not being able to participate in many of the recipe contest invites. It would have been great to participate in some of them; but unfortunately, it’s just not possible at the moment. Thanks for all the invites and I can’t wait to find out who are the talented winners! So, here is an easy peasy Watermelon Limeade recipe to quench your thirst throughout this sweltering summer. Only 7 ingredients needed, namely, frozen watermelon, freshly squeezed lime juice, sugar, water, cold soda water, mint leaves, and a good pinch of sea salt. There you have it! Enjoy: D Watermelon Limeade (Printable Recipe) Ingredients 4 Cups (about 450 g) Frozen Watermelon Chunks 3 Tbsp Granu...
A journey beyond delicious Asian gastronomic delights!