These are deep-fried vegetable spring rolls, also known as Popiah Goreng in Malaysia. They are crispy and delicious.
Deep-Fried Vegetable Spring Rolls
30 (8-inch) Frozen Spring Roll Pastry, thawed
Vegetable Oil for deep-frying
Chili Sauce for dipping
Vegetable Filling
2 Medium-sized Jicama/Yam Bean, peeled and shredded
8 Medium-Sized Shallots (about 150 g), peeled and slice
1 Bunch of Scallions/Green Onions
300 grams Long to French Beans, sliced
2 Medium-Sized Carrots, peeled & shredded
1 Packet (350 grams) Pressed Bean Curd, sliced
2 Pieces Bamboo Shoots, sliced
2 Cups Water
2 Tbsp Sugar, or to taste
1 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce
2 1/2 tsp Sea Salt, or to taste
4 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
2 Tbsp All-Purpose Flour
1 Tbsp Water
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